Inside cancer
hallmarks of Cancer Overview (Douglas Hanahan)
Growing uncontrollably (Robert Weinberg, Douglas Hanahan)
Evading death (Robert Weinberg, Douglas Hanahan)
Processing nutrients (Robert Weinberg, Douglas Hanahan)
Becoming immortal (Robert Weinberg, Douglas Hanahan)
Invading tissues (Robert Weinberg, Douglas Hanahan)
Avoiding detection (Bruce Stillman)
Promoting mutations (Bruce Stillman)
causes and Prevention Overview Cancer epidemiology
Smoking Tobacco history
Lung cancer epidemic (Phillip Dennis)
Killers in smoke
"Smoking gun"


Nicotine connection (Phillip Dennis)
Prevention (Phillip Dennis, Glorian Sorenson)
Inheritance Cancer gene types (Bert Vogelstein)
Colon cancer (Bert Vogelstein)
Many steps to cancer (Bert Vogelstein)
Diet Diet and Cancer (William Nelson)
Cause (William Nelson)
Prevention (William Nelson, Walter Willett )
Mold Aflatoxin (John Groopman, Thomas Kensler)
Incidence (John Groopman)
Aflatoxin action (Thomas Kensler)
Prevention (Thomas Kensler)
Viruses HPV(Bettie Steinberg, Denise Galloway)
HPV and cell cycle (Ed Harlow)
Sunlight (Marianne Berwick)
Diagnosis and Treatment Pathology (Angelo De Marzo)
Pharmacogenetics (Scott Lowe)
Targeted therapies

Blocking receptors (Larry Norton)
Targeting activators (Charles Sawyer)

Pathways to Cancer Overview  
At the cell surface 3D animation (Voice: Doug Thomas)
Beneath the membrane 3D animation (Voice: Doug Thomas)
A bevy of interactions 3D animation (Voice: Doug Thomas)
To the nucleus 3D animation (Voice: Doug Thomas)
Inside the nucleus 3D animation (Voice: Doug Thomas)
Making the protein 3D animation (Voice: Doug Thomas)
Releasing the protein 3D animation (Voice: Doug Thomas)

Inside Cancer is brought to you by Dolan DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
The Inside Cancer Internet site was made possible by grant #R25RR015622 from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NCRR or NIH.
© 2006, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. All rights reserved.